Thursday, November 26, 2009

We are Thankful...

Daddy: "Morgan, what are you thankful for?"
Morgan: "My family."
Daddy: "I'm thankful that Mommy and I found Morgan a great school to go to."
Mommy: "I'm thankful that we are able to put food on the table each night."
Garrett: "SPIDERMAN!"

Monday, November 16, 2009

We Care About People!

Morgan was so sweet today....when we got to Walmart a volunteer was there for the Salvation Army. She asked why they were ringing the bell and I explained to her why.
I asked if she would like to donate some money when we left and she said, yes. So then I asked her if she had any money, and she said, no, not with her, but she did at home. Then she asked if it would be ok if we used some of my money. So, of course I said sure. When we left the store I took out money and asked her if she would like to put it in the kettle. She put it in the bucket and the woman said, "God will bless you." which Morgan really liked. Then....Morgan kept turning around....and she said, "Mom, those other people aren't helping." And I said, “I know, not everyone is able to give money and some people don't think it's important like we do.” And she said, "Well we think it's important because WE care about people! We care about ALL people. Him (points to some random guy in the parking lot), and him, and her, and EVERYBODY!"

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Morgan's Fifth Birthday

Here are pictures from Morgan's birthday at Build-A-Bear. She invited 8 friends to come with us and they each made a bear and picked out some clothes. Fun was had by all!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Our Little Racer

Here's a video link to Garrett and his new "big boy" bike.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Our Little Ballerina

Here's what Little Miss will look like the night of her performance during her tap dance. She also has a pink outfit for ballet. I will post pictures once I take them.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Common Sense

Daddy: "Morgan, are you going to pick up your toys tonight, or leave them until tomorrow?"
Morgan: "Leave them until tomorrow."
Daddy: "Are they in the way?"
Morgan: "Not if you walk around them."

Friday, March 27, 2009

Super Hero Song on Youtube

Check out Morgan's newest hit single...."The Super Hero Song" on youtube at

Here are the lyrics....
I was a super hero in the morning
And then I can flap my arms away
Guess what happened
There’s a bad guy
And I punched him with my super powers
And I….and then he got dead
And then I got home
And then it, it was dark outside
And then my mom said, “It’s time for dinner.”
So we, we can’t fight anymore
We go to bath and then you’re going to bed.
The next morning you do it again.
And that’s it…it…it….it…it
I like my ice skates (blue masking tape on feet)

You can also take a look at Garrett riding his sister's tricycle around the house at

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Morgan's Fourth Birthday

Although Morgan's 4th birthday was 10 months ago, I was reading Kaye's blog and it reminded me of Morgan's princess here are some memories of Morgan's 4th birthday...soon we'll have pictures of her 5th birthday which she's decided she wants to have at Build-A-Bear. The only problem with that is our Build-A-Bear doesn't have a birthday room. UGH...I'll have to figure that one out later.

Here's what her invitation looked like. We had it at the Jumping Party so there were lots of pictures of her on some of the equipment. I created the invitation and then had them printed as photos. They really turned out well!

Here's a picture of the banner and cake. We didn't have to do much decorating. We had purple and pink balloons with pink tablecloths and princess plates, cups, etc.

Here's a picture of Morgan's cake that she picked out herself. Notice the little picture frame in the middle of the cake with her picture in it? The picture was actually taken before we moved from Vermont. She still has that picture frame in her room!

Here's one of my favorite pictures. We took a picture of Morgan with most of her friends in front of the princess castle. She had such a fun day!

And her birthday present...a royal bed for the royal princess...

Good News We Hope

Well, it would appear that Morgan's loss of hearing is temporary. They rinsed her ears out today with a solution that has seemed to help. We will need to put mineral oil in her ears for a week and then go back to the doctor's for a follow-up appointment. We also have an appointment with the Baylor Speech and Hearing Clinic to double-check. It's probably overkill, but I think better safe than sorry in this situation.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Do You Hear What I Hear

After a morning of poor listening…
Daddy: “What is it that I just told you?”
Morgan: Puts her finger to her mouth as if to indicate to be quiet.
Daddy: As that wasn’t even close to what Daddy said, he responds with “We’re going to need to get your ears checked because I’m not sure if you aren’t hearing me or if you just don’t care.”
Morgan: “I just don’t care.”
Daddy: “Well, I guess that clears things up.”

Which we really don't think is the case because we "tested" her by asking her things like would she like M&Ms with her lunch, etc. and she didn't respond. When we asked her what we said, she responded, "I don't know I couldn't hear you. You have to say it louder." Needless to say we'll be having her ears checked. She recently had them checked at school, and we didn't get a follow-up report, so I'll be calling the daycare director tomorrow to see what those results were. Garrett has a follow-up appointment on Tuesday to have his chest "x-rayed" again so I'll be able to talk to our PCP at that time.

What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?

While watching a Dora commercial about what Dora wants to be when she grows up…
Mom: “Morgan, what do you want to be when you grow up?”
Morgan: “Let me think…I want to be a…I want to be a…I want to be a TEACHER just like you are!”

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Out of the Mouths of Babes

This morning at breakfast time
Mom: "Morgan, what would you like for breakfast this morning?"
Morgan: "Bacon and eggs"
Mom: "What kind of eggs?"
Morgan: "Cooked eggs! And cooked bacon, too!"

After a trip to buy a "birthday present" for Troy, Morgan's Build-a-Bear (who was "born" in January), resulted in a new pair of pajamas, a tent, and a cell phone...
From the backseat of the car: Bringgggg, Bringgggg
Mommy to Morgan: "Is that a call for you?"
Morgan: "No, it's for my bear."

Friday, March 13, 2009

Oh, the places you'll go!

So...I think it's more about the "things you'll do" and not the "places you'll go", but we celebrated Dr. Seuss today (I know we're a little behind, but we had state testing the day after the actual day, so we decided to postpone our celebration at school) so Dr. Seuss is on my mind. WOW! What a week this has been. Morgan woke up Tuesday night sick and Garrett got sick Wednesday. Little Miss had a stomach bug and G-man has a bacterial infection in his chest, which after chest xrays show that he is borderline of having pneumonia, too. That coupled with a bronchial cough is enough to keep any mother up all night, for several nights. They are both sleeping right now, hopefully they will sleep peacefully through the night.

For those of you who have been "pestering" me for more pictures, here's one from Halloween...I know, I's old, I've got to transfer new pictures from my camera. Spring break started today, so hopefully I can get some new pictures up!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Best Dad and Husband Ever

For those of you who have seen Kelly with Morgan and Garrett you already know what a great dad he is. For those of who you haven't, take my word for it. You couldn't ask for a better dad or more supportive husband. He is, and always will be, the best thing that has ever happened to me. We've been together for 17 years and although it seems like it was just yesterday we started dating, it seems like forever at the same time.


Garrett is ALL BOY! He is our rough-and-tumble 21 month old! He loves to zoom around the house on his tricycle (go to for a close attention to the first few seconds he makes a really funny face at Kelly and points at him!), but he'd rather be outside riding. His vocabulary is developing more and more every day and he really knows how to express his feelings (usually by throwing something at your head!) He also really loves animals. There are two kitties that live across the street that come to visit often. He runs around the house calling, "Cat! Cat!".

Little Miss Morgan

Morgan is definitely a girly-girl! I think she's changed her outfit atleast 5 times today alone. Here she is dressed up as a cowgirl! She is the most amazing 4 1/2 year old little girl. She is a kind and thoughtful girl, who loves her brother (hopefully that will continue throughout their lives!) She also loves to sing and dance. She is happiest when she is surrounded by her friends, especially Taylor, Mallory, Kennedy and Taya.

So here goes nothing...

It seems like having a blog is the "in" thing to do now-a-days. I never really thought of myself as someone who would get into blogging. However, I recently took a peek at a friend's blog and after reading through her blog I realized how much I enjoyed catching up with her through it! So here goes nothing...