Saturday, March 7, 2009


Garrett is ALL BOY! He is our rough-and-tumble 21 month old! He loves to zoom around the house on his tricycle (go to for a close attention to the first few seconds he makes a really funny face at Kelly and points at him!), but he'd rather be outside riding. His vocabulary is developing more and more every day and he really knows how to express his feelings (usually by throwing something at your head!) He also really loves animals. There are two kitties that live across the street that come to visit often. He runs around the house calling, "Cat! Cat!".


  1. He is absolutely adorable Kristine. Well done!!

  2. Thank you...he's quite a cutie if I do say so myself! I love watching him ride his tricycle! He is just such a happy boy!

  3. We must remember that she did have a little help!

  4. But, I must agree that he is absolutely adorable and all boy! Kristine has said that he reminds her of my brother Gerard and even my mother thinks she's right.
